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Introducing Leah Martin - Soccer Star AND Scientist

We would like to introduce Leah Martin, who has been helping us out at Yellow Scope world headquarters.

We asked her for some background info and asked some very pressing questions. (What's your favorite element?) Here is what we she told us:

"I was born in Englewood, Colorado but moved to Portland, Oregon just before my second birthday. I have always had a love for the outdoors and spent most of my childhood swimming, biking, rock climbing and hiking. You can still find me now enjoying the outdoors while doing the same or similar activities like surfing, skim boarding, snowboarding, mountain biking and trail running.
I love to play soccer. I have played ever since I could walk. I currently play for California State University - Monterey Bay (CSUMB). I am a huge Timbers and Thorns fan and love to attend the games. I am also an avid runner (running 5-10 miles daily). I participated this past spring in the inaugural season of Women’s Track at CSUMB (400 and 4x400).

When I don’t have soccer tournaments on the weekends, you can find me up on Mt. Hood, snowboarding or at Indian Beach, surfing. I love Portland, because you are equally close to the mountains as you are to the beach.

Aside from sports, I love to read (favorite novels include: The Glass Castle, The Alchemist, and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), play musical instruments (piano, saxophone, and guitar), draw, write (I keep a daily journal), go to concerts and travel (my favorite spots include Buenos Aires, Paris and Victoria, BC).
I am currently studying Marine Science with a minor in Spanish. I hope to pursue a career in the medical field. My favorite subject is CHEMISTRY, because it is challenging and has an direct impact on mankind.

My favorite element is Silicon, not only because it is easily translated into my favorite language (Spanish: "Si!" - which means "Yes!") but also because silicon dioxide is one of the main components in sand. Who doesn’t love a little silicon dioxide -- I mean sand -- in their toes? Silicon also makes up meteorites, and I have always been entranced by meteorite showers. Silicon is the second most abundant element on earth and would leave our planet in ruins if it were to disappear.

The person who inspires me the most is my grandfather. When he graduated from high school at age 17 he hitch-hiked from Buffalo, New York all the way down to Los Angeles, California in hopes for a better life. His father had passed away a few months prior and he needed to support his family. He was the first person in his family to attend college and was able to bring his family out of poverty, all through hard work and determination. He is one of the most supportive and selfless people I know.

I try to learn from every mistake I make - although I hate making mistakes :) I really want to learn to play the ukulele and become fluent in Spanish (I have taken 7 years so far!)."

We are so excited to have Leah share some of her time with us.

Yellow Scope
Yellow Scope
